Your coverage will automatically end on the 1st of the month following the month in which the earliest of the following occurs:
- the date this Plan ends;
- the date you become ineligible;
- the first of the month in which you turn age 65 or, if earlier, the first of the month in which you become eligible for Medicare;
- the date you begin active duty in the armed forces, unless the period of military leave is less than thirty-one (31) days;
- the date you fail to make a required premium contribution;
- 31 days after you have established residence outside the U.S. or Canada;
- the date Retirees are no longer an eligible class under this Plan;
- the date you become eligible for any other group medical coverage including, but not limited to, coverage under another group plan, State or Federal programs such as Medicaid/MediCal, Medicare, Social Security or Veterans Administration coverage; or
9. the date you return to work in the painting and drywall industry.